Rising Mines approach to Mining is to work as an integral member of the community and wider Zambian Society.

Partnering with our Communities

in terms of maximising local employees and local Procurement to ensure that investment is reflected on the ground

Community Investments in Education and Skills

so that local and regional people can properly secure opportunities at the site, with suppliers or in the wider economy

Community Investment in Health & Sanitation

to ensure that local people are not hindered by health and medical challenges in pursing the new opportunities

Protecting our employees

and those in our suppliers by meeting and sometimes exceeding health and safety requirements

Paying our Royalties and Taxes

recognising that Zambian can only thrive if all stakeholders make their fair contributions to the wider development of the country

Safeguarding the Environment, recognising that we are stewards of the land and its surroundings.

Before, during and after mining operations that the environment is protected and where possible enhanced by our investment by: